The Uprising: : From the streets to the CHOP, how Seattle’s protests have evolved
For more than a month (and beyond), millions of people around the world have taken to the streets as part of what may be the biggest protest movement in U.S. history. In Seattle, the first five weeks of demonstrations for Black Lives were a roller coaster of a news cycle — and, for the CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest), a playground for partisan debate.
But behind all the twists and turns, there are real people with real pain who are continuing to fight for meaningful change. We aimed to prioritize and document those perspectives.
Our Seattle Times short film “The Uprising” follows how the movement unfolded through the perspectives of Pacific Northwest Ballet dancer Amanda Morgan, Converge Media journalist Omari Salisbury and Black Star Farmers’ Marcus Henderson.
Filmed by Lauren Frohne, Corinne Chin and Ramon Dompor
Edited by Lauren Frohne and Corinne Chin