The Mom Question

The Mom question: Seattle-area women share their complicated decisions

The decision to be a mother is as intense, and personal, as ever. Here, several Seattle-area women share how they made their choice to be a mom — or not. Careers, finances, relationships, and other factors go into the decision to become a mother. And for those who don’t feel a natural draw toward motherhood, indecision can be a heavy burden.

A story originally conceived by photographer Erika Schultz and me — and further developed and written by reporter Rachel Lerman — that explores the decision-making process modern women grapple with when it comes to motherhood. We used a conceptual approach to the visual elements — Erika used in-camera double exposures to visually explore each women’s particular struggle — and for the video elements, I made use of overlays and creative edits to convey the inner dialogues of each woman and the collective struggle.

View the whole story on including six additional videos featuring the stories of individual women.

My role:

  • Concept
  • Cinematographer
  • Reporting
  • Video Editor